
2022-04-02 14:20:06 字數 431 閱讀 2607


what he said just now was the same as my thouht.it is suggested that experiment should be done in low temperature.how you will deal with it doesn't mean too much.

next time when you come and borrow books,make sure bring the library card.nobody should be spare from punishment when he breaks the law.make good use of time doesn't mean that you should keep reading from morning to evening.


你應該多練習這方面的一些練習的然後在看看同樣的別人怎麼翻譯的,和自己翻譯的對比一下看看自己不足的地方,下次翻譯的時候更用心注意著,慢慢的練得多了,錯誤發現多了,並改正過來,你就會有所進步的 我參加了這個bai專案 英語的話,不du要老想著翻zhi譯翻譯的,多看看英語方dao面版的東西,培養語感,增加...


1.will you laugh when you see others fall down?2.she felt more satisfied when she saw others were not so good as her.3.her facial expressions surprise...

求翻譯,中譯英,內容在裡面 20

求翻譯 英翻中 1.我點了三份菜,每份都有小費。2.那個穿著西裝帥氣紅臉的英國人給我的印象是 他一定是一位能打扮成獵人形象的行家!3.和我猜測的一樣,他確實點了山鶉。4.我現在情緒良好,沒有看那個英國男人出醜的慾望。5.當你在電車售票視窗買完票時,你到大拱門的旅遊就開始了。6.在旅遊旺季,每隔五分鐘...