
2022-07-22 22:00:03 字數 746 閱讀 1053


(約翰是裁判的兒子,但他從不叫裁判爸爸,為什麼?)譯文:john is the son of a magistrate, but he has never called a magistrate dad, why?


the answer is : that the magistrate woman, her son told her mother possession.


john is umpire's son,but he never calls john "dad",why?

answer:that umpire is woman,her son calls her "mum"


john is a judge's son, but he never calls the judge father, why?

the answer: the judge is a woman, the son call her mother.


john is the coacher's son,but john has never called the coach "papa",why?

key:the coach is a woman,she is john's mother.


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