
2022-07-11 12:00:02 字數 389 閱讀 2490


the big head portrait of contemporary chinese works is a marginal poet, painter. he has a superb technical, lofty ideals; however, life distress, reality. he is full of complex emotions love hate in this world, always in the same predicament is fate cries, struggle.

full of ideal and spirit oppression in the same reality collide intense burst!

英語漢譯英,英語翻譯 漢譯英

兄弟,建設你用個翻譯軟體 你的友誼對我來說是非常重要的比我說的話,因為我不喜歡說想看起來很傷心他可能要看到一些乾淨。我想我應該寫下更早 your friendship over theyears isvery import tome,than isay it s more import.becaus...


不要把時間浪費在談論這樣的問題上。漢譯英 翻譯句子 漢譯英翻譯 謝謝 不用跪求了,膝下有 啊。花點小錢去正規翻譯店幫你翻譯了,這種廣告性質的段子,給外國人看的,自己翻不出,是要掏錢的 漢譯英怎麼翻譯呢 是的,遺傳演演算法無法確保提供最優解決方案。通常,他們會找到乙個可行性方案,這一方案往往優於手工設...


eight plus and nine equals is seventeen sixteen plus and eighteen equalsis thirty four twenty five plus and twenty two equals is fourty seven fifty mi...