犬夜叉劇場版天下霸道之劍Four Seasons的歌詞以及日文唱法的發音

2022-02-09 18:37:27 字數 5175 閱讀 4845



our scene of lover and laughter

i'll be alright being alone

four scene of lover and laughter

i'll be alright being alone

four scene of lover and laughter

i'll be alright being alone

four scene of lover and laughter

i will be ok

a-i-shi a-e-ba wa-ga-le yu-ku son-u-ya de-a-i ku-ri-ka-e-shi-ta

ki-o-ku hu-ka-ku de-sa-gu-li-de a-ma-i ga-ge-wo mo-to-me-te-wa

i can taste the sweetness of the past

do-ko-ni-mo an-na-ta-wa i-na-i-ke-do

i'll be alright me-wo-su-bu le-ba-so-ko-ni

ka-wa-na na-i-a-i-wo i believe

ha-ru-no hi-ka-li-a zu-me-da-la ha-na-sa-ka-se-te

na-zu-wa zu-ki-yu-ka u-yu-mi-de mi-zu-me-te

a-ki-no ka-se-hu-yu no yu-ki-mo so-no do-yi-ki-de a-ta-ta me-te-ho-shii

four seasons with your love mo-i chi-do

ne-ga-i da-ge-do ya-gu-so-ku-wa to-gi-da da-de-ba i-ro-a-se-lu

can you feel me underneath the skin?

a-n-na-ni ka-sa-ne-ta o-mo-i na-la

we'll be alright shin-ji-te i-la-ba-sou

do-un-na dou-ku-te-mo stay with me

ha-ru-no ha-na-ne-ru yo-nu-ni mu-ka e-ni-ki-te

na-zu-no su-na-ha-ma ni message no-ko-shi-te

a-ki-no a-me-ku-yu no na-mi-da ka-za-na-nu-wai-de a-ta-ta me-te-ho-shii

four seasons with your love yu-me-na-na-ko

ma-da-na yu-to-ki-wo no-ko-no-ni a-rin-no-ma-ma-ni

fa-te-li no-hi-bi-wa mo-o-su-bu o-mo-i-de

a-i-mo yu-me-mo-wa su-me-no-mo e-zu-no-hi-de-mo a-ta-ta me-te-ho-shii

four seasons with your love mu-ne-do-o-ko

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...


four scene of love and laughter

i'll be alright being alone

four scene of love and laughter

i'll be alright being alone

four scene of love and laughter

i'll be alright being alone

four scene of love and laughter

i'll be ok

一旦想愛又要分離_ 不斷重複如此的邂逅


i can taste the sweetness of the past


i'll be alright 一旦閉上眼睛

不變的愛就在那裡 i believe



秋天的風 冬天的雪 但願用你的呼吸 帶來溫暖

four seasons with your love 再一次

只有心願的承諾 隨著時光會褪色

cab you feel me underneath the skin?


we'll be alright 只要去相信 沒錯

無論相隔多遙遠 stay with me

在春花沉睡的也裡 來迎接我

在夏日的沙灘上 留下message

秋天的雨 冬天的淚 但願用真實無華的愛 帶來溫暖

four seasons with your love 在夢裡

把流逝的時光 就這樣放在心裡

我倆共度的歲月 即將成為回憶

無論是愛是夢還是被遺忘的事物 但願你永遠能夠 為他們帶來溫暖

four seasons with your love 在心深處

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...


four scene of love and laughter

i'll be alright being alone

four scene of love and laughter

i'll be alright being alone

four scene of love and laughter

i'll be alright being alone

four scene of love and laughter

i'll be ok

愛し合えば別れゆく そんな出會い繰り返した

記憶深く手探りで 甘い陰を求めては

i can taste the sweetness of the past


i'll be alright 目をつぶればそこに

変わらない愛を i believe

春の光 集めたら 花咲かせて

夏は月浮かぶ海で みつめて

秋の風 冬の雪も その吐息で 暖めて欲しい

four seasons with your love もう一度

願いだけの約束は 時がたてば色褪せる

can you feel me underneath the skin?


we'll be alright 信じていれば そう

どんな遠くても stay with me

春の花眠る夜に 迎えに來て

夏の砂浜に メッセージ殘して

秋の雨 冬の涙 飾らぬ愛で 暖めて欲しい

four seasons with your love 夢の中

流れる時を心に ありのままに

二人の日々は もうすぐ思い出

愛も夢も忘れ物 いつの日でも 暖めて欲しい

four seasons with your love 胸の奧

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,i'll be alright

four scene,four four seasons

four scene,stay with me...


到現在為止只有四集.第一集 犬夜叉 劇場版 穿越時光的思念 上 犬夜叉 劇場版 穿越時光的思念 中 犬夜叉 劇場版 穿越時光的思念 下 第二集 犬夜叉 劇場版 鏡中之夢幻城 上集 犬夜叉 劇場版 鏡中之夢幻城 下集 第三集 犬夜叉 劇場版 天下霸道之劍 上集 犬夜叉 劇場版 天下霸道之劍 下集 第四...


結局是 3年後 珊瑚生了3個孩子 珊瑚和彌勒以及睡熟的孩子們 打倒了奈落,食骨之井消失後的第三天 伴隨著一道光柱,食骨之井再次出現,只有犬夜叉乙個人回來。然後只有一句 犬夜叉 戈薇平安無事。珊瑚 犬夜叉的意思是 回到了那個世界了嗎?彌勒 犬夜叉沒怎麼開口 只說了一句。愛著戈薇大人並且離不開她的人還有...

名偵探柯南劇場版,名偵探柯南 劇場版

在劇場版4中,左藤為小蘭挨了一槍,小蘭因為承受不了巨大的打擊而失意,最後在遊樂園裡恢復了記憶 上面的回答已經很詳細了 要去看啊 柯南保護小蘭的鏡頭簡直太帥了 還有柯南的表白 真是感人啊 但是,結果小蘭卻.汗水狂落ing.可憐的柯南啊 反正你看了就知道 搞笑啊 名偵探柯南 瞳孔中的暗殺者 劇場版4 瞳...