
2022-02-05 04:37:11 字數 1381 閱讀 1709


2010.5 第四屆「贏在川大」大型百科知識競賽 譯:2010.

5the fourth " win in sichuan" large encyclopedic knowledge contest、

2010.6 四川大學化工學院「別離」送舊晚會 譯:2010.

6 sichuan university institute of chemical" parting" farewell party

2010.6 四川大學化工學院「班級精彩show」 譯:2010.

6 sichuan university institute of chemical class." show"

2010.11 四川大學高分子科學與工程學院「高材綻夢翼青春」迎新晚會

譯:2010.11 sichuan university institute of polymer science and engineering" gao cai put the new party youth wing dream"

2011.3 四川大學化學工程學院「青春麥克風」主持人大賽

譯:2011.3 sichuan university school of chemical engineering" youth microphone" compere contest

2011.6 四川大學大學生創新性實驗計畫 譯:

2011.6 sichuan university undergraduates innovation experimental program


2010.5 the fourth "win in experimental" large encyclopedic knowledge competition

2010.6 sichuan university institute of chemical "/" send old party

2010.6 sichuan university institute of chemical "class wonderful show"

2010.11 sichuan university high polymer science and engineering college "high material dream bloomed wing youth" welcome party

2011.3 sichuan university chemical engineering college "youth microphone" host competition

2011.6 sichuan university college students' innovative experiment plan


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