
2022-10-31 03:45:04 字數 2077 閱讀 4169


firefly - a teens的聞名之作

firefly 螢火蟲

a teens

when i said go i never meant away 當我說離開時我從不打算離開

you ought to know the freaky games we play 你應該知道我們玩的任性遊戲

could you forgive and learn how to forget 你可以原諒而且學習該如何忘記嗎

hear me as i'm calling out your name 聽到我呼喚你名字的時候

firefly come back to me 螢火蟲飛回我身邊

make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一樣明亮

i'll be looking out for you 你輕輕的告訴我

tell me that your lonely too 告訴我你也很孤單

firefly come lead me on 螢火蟲過來指引我

follow you into the sun 跟隨你接觸太陽

that's the way it ought to be 我們應當這樣做

firefly come back to me 螢火蟲飛回我身邊

you and me 你和我

we shared a mistery 我們分享朦朧的感覺

we were so close 我們是如此接近

like honey to the bee 像是一對親密的蜜蜂

and if you tell me how to make you understand 而且如果你告訴我該如何使你了解

i'm minor in a major kind a way 在主要的前提下我使用次要的(這一句真是不知道說什麼呢,就這樣好了......)

firefly come back to me 螢火蟲飛回我身邊

make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一樣明亮

i'll be looking out for you 你輕輕的告訴我

tell me that your lonely too 告訴我你也很孤單

firefly come lead me on 螢火蟲過來指引我

follow you into the sun 跟隨你接觸太陽

that's the way it ought to be 我們應當這樣做

firefly come back to me 螢火蟲飛回我身邊

fly firefly through the sky 螢火蟲飛越天空

come and play with my desire 過來與我的渴望嬉戲

don't be long,don't ask why 不要太久,不要問為什麼

i can't wait another night 我不可以等到下乙個夜晚

wait another night 等到下乙個夜晚

don't be long 不要太久

fire...fly 螢火...蟲

firefly come back 螢火蟲飛回我身邊

firefly come back to me 螢火蟲飛回我身邊

make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一樣明亮

i'll be looking out for you 你輕輕的告訴我

tell me that your lonely too 螢火蟲過來指引我

firefly come lead me on 螢火蟲過來指引我

follow you into the sun 跟隨你接觸太陽

that's the way it ought to be 我們應當這樣做

firefly come back to me 螢火蟲飛回我身邊


fire fly



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