
2022-09-03 13:10:09 字數 469 閱讀 2838


we ask him for advice.

we should make a plan for the new term.

he returns the book to me.

china is famous for the great wall.

he decides to spend holidays in paris next time.


we ask him for suggestions.

we need to make a study plan for new term.

he give the book back to mechina is famous fou the great wall.

he decided to go paris for next holiday

一年級英語 英譯漢 一年級 用英語怎麼說

一年級 用英語怎麼說 你們老師說的是對的,first 是序數詞 表修飾 表明是 第一 年級,也就是一年級。而一年級用英文應該是 grade one 兩個詞首字母都要大寫!必要條件!但是題目中grade一詞在括號後面出現,所以就只能找詞修飾grade這個詞,所以就用first這個表修飾的詞。one是基...


要多少單詞bai?你說的是1b的那個dugroupwork yesterday was sunday.i helped my mom get some medicine.there were many peaple waiting in line.ailthough i don t like wai...


我按書上英語來 課文每排的翻自譯在寫,方便你bai 看周圍世界的學 du生怎樣到達學zhi dao校?在北美,大量的學生坐校車去上學.一些學生步行或騎自行車去上學.在世界其他的地方,去的方法很困難,在日本,大量的學生坐地鐵去上學,也有學生步行或者騎自行車去學校.在中國,它依賴在不同的地方.在城市,學...