有關Michael jackson的問題

2022-08-18 05:55:08 字數 1830 閱讀 1801



ben, the two of us need look no more 本,我們倆無需再尋覓

we both found what we were looking for 我們已找到我們的所求

with a friend to call my own 有乙個屬於我自己的朋友

i'll never be alone 我將永遠不再寂寞傷憂

and you, my friend will see 而你,我的朋友,你將了解

you've got a friend~~~~ in me 你有了乙個朋友,就是我

(you've got a friend in me) (重複)

ben, you're always running here and there 本,你總是無法安定

(here and there) (意譯的:無法安定/不能安分)

you feel you're not wanted anywhere 你感到**都不需要你

(anywhere) (**都不)

i~f you ever look behind 如果你曾經回首

and don't like what you find 你會發現並不像你所想像的那樣

there's something you should know 有些事情你應當知曉

you've got a place to ~~go 你有處可循

(you've got a place to go) (你有處可循)

i used to say "i" and "me" 我以前常說 「我自己」

now it's "us", now it's "we" 而現在我說「我們」現在說「我們」

(i used to say "i" and "me" (重複)

now it's "us", now it's "we")

ben, most people would turn you away 本,大多數人將會拒絕你

(turn you away) (拒絕你)

i don't listen to a word they say 我毫不理會他們的只字片語

(a word they say) (他們的只字片語)

they don't see you as i do 他們無法如我般了解你

i wish they would try to 我希望他們能夠試著(去了解你)

i'm sure they'd think again 我確信他們會三思

if they had a friend like ben 如果他們有乙個像本一樣的朋友

(a friend) (乙個朋友)

like ben 就像本

(like ben) (就像本)

like ben就像本




don't stop till you get enough





we are the world.


i want you back/enjoy yourself


i'll be there

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