
2021-03-20 14:14:19 字數 661 閱讀 5406


證. myselfdisposition warm is open and bright, has the responsibility will ofthe people, has the enterprise, has the very good collectivecooperation spirit. the interest hobby is widespread, has reads,listens to the music, with movement.

once using the vacation in threeyuan, worker kang has made the promotion, strengthened the socialexperience; in school period, can better ***plete in the class theexperimental duty, positively participates in the school eachactivity, including games, theatrical troupe and so on. i clearlyhoped can be***e in your ***pany, is engaged in your firm to suitmyself profession. thanks!

各位英語高手請幫忙翻譯一下急,請各位英語高手幫幫忙 翻譯一下下面這段外文!!急急 !



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請幫忙翻譯英文 請幫忙翻譯成英語

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