
2021-03-04 00:45:50 字數 7497 閱讀 5050












rank/school average reputation score (5 = highest)

1. university of wisconsin-madison 4.8

2. university of california-berkeley 4.7

2. university of chicago 4.7

4. university of michigan-ann arbor 4.5

4. university of north carolina-chapel hill 4.5

6. university of california-los angeles 4.3

7. harvard university (ma) 4.2

7. stanford university (ca) 4.2

9. princeton university (nj) 4.1

10. northwestern university (il) 4.0

10. university of arizona 4.0

12. university of pennsylvania 3.9

13. indiana university-bloomington 3.8

13. university of texas-austin 3.8

13. university of washington 3.8

16. columbia university (ny) 3.7

16. duke university (nc) 3.7

18. penn state university-university park 3.6

19. cornell university (ny) 3.5

19. university of minnesota-twin cities 3.5

21. johns hopkins university (md) 3.4

21. ohio state university-columbus 3.4

21. suny-albany 3.4

24. new york university 3.2

24. suny-stony brook 3.2

24. university of california-santa barbara 3.2

24. university of maryland-college park 3.2

28. brown university (ri) 3.1

28. university of california-davis 3.1

28. university of illinois-urbana-champaign 3.1

28. university of iowa 3.1

28. university of massachusetts-amherst 3.1

28. vanderbilt university (tn) 3.1

28. yale university (ct) 3.1

35. washington state university 3.0

36. cuny graduate school & university 2.9

36. michigan state university 2.9

36. rutgers-new brunswick (nj) 2.9

36. university of california-san diego 2.9

36. university of virginia 2.9

41. new school for social research (ny) 2.8

41. suny-binghamton 2.8

43. brandeis university (ma) 2.7

43. emory university (ga) 2.7

43. university of california-riverside 2.7

43. university of southern california 2.7

47. boston university 2.6

47. florida state university 2.6

47. university of ge***ia 2.6

47. university of illinois-chicago 2.6

51. boston college 2.5

51. north carolina state university 2.5

51. purdue university-west lafayette (in) 2.5

51. university of florida 2.5

51. university of kansas 2.5

51. university of nebraska-lincoln 2.5

51. university of notre dame (in) 2.5

2006-12-20 0:51:02

1 london school of economics 5* a 26.0 80 100.0

2 bath 5 b 19.4

3 nottingham 4 a 22.8 80 90.6

4 edinburgh 4 b 90 90.5

5 queens, belfast 5 a 19.5 89.9

6 sheffield 5 b 21.1 89.6

7 loughborough 5* a 15.5 80 88.5

8 manchester 5 b 19.9 80 88.4

9 kent 5* a 14.4 80 87.3

10 bristol 5 a 21.2 60 85.0

=11 york 5 a 16.5 75 84.9

=11 cardiff 5 a 21.1 60 84.9

13 birmingham 4 c 21.4 80 84.7

14 leeds 5 a 23.4 50 84.0

15 london south bank 4 b 75 82.8

16 salford 3a a 75 80.8

17 middle*** 4 c 70 76.3

18 ulster 4 c 16.3 70 75.8

19 glasgow 4 b 60 75.2

20 swansea 3a b 16.8 65 74.6

21 bradford 4 d 75 74.3

22 stirling 5 b 15.8 50 73.8

23 hull 4 b 13.3 65 73.5

24 newcastle 4 b 19.7 40 72.0

25 port**outh 3a b 60 71.2

26 brighton 3b c 14.7 70 69.8

27 central lancashire 3a d 70 69.4

28 gold**iths college 4 a 12.7 50 69.3

=29 bangor 3a a 50 68.0

=29 lincoln 3a d 11.8 75 68.0

31 sheffield hallam 3a c 14.2 55 66.3

32 plymouth 4 d 13.8 55 64.9

33 buckinghamshire chilterns uc 3b a 11.5 63.4

34 anglia 3a d 11.8 55 61.2















下面是美國top 40的社會學名校。有的排名並非絕對,每年都有情況變化,但總的來看40名以內都是公認的。


1 chicago, berkeley, harvard, ucla這四所都非常好,不分上下


2 princeton, stanford, umich-ann arbor, columbia, north carolina-chapel



rank/school average reputation score (5 = highest)

1. university of wisconsin-madison 4.8

2. university of california-berkeley 4.7

2. university of chicago 4.7

4. university of michigan-ann arbor 4.5

5. university of north carolina-chapel hill 4.5

6. university of california-los angeles 4.3

7. harvard university (ma) 4.2

8. stanford university (ca) 4.2

9. princeton university (nj) 4.1

10. northwestern university (il) 4.0

11. university of arizona 4.0

12. university of pennsylvania 3.9

13. indiana university-bloomington 3.8

14. university of texas-austin 3.8

15. university of washington 3.8

16. columbia university (ny) 3.7

17. duke university (nc) 3.7

18. penn state university-university park 3.6

19. cornell university (ny) 3.5

20. university of minnesota-twin cities 3.5

21. johns hopkins university (md) 3.4

22. ohio state university-columbus 3.4

23. suny-albany 3.4

24. new york university 3.2

25. suny-stony brook 3.2

26. university of california-santa barbara 3.2

27. university of maryland-college park 3.2

28. brown university (ri) 3.1

29. university of california-davis 3.1

30. university of illinois-urbana-champaign 3.1

31. university of iowa 3.1

32. university of massachusetts-amherst 3.1

33. vanderbilt university (tn) 3.1

34. yale university (ct) 3.1

35. washington state university 3.0

36. cuny graduate school & university 2.9

37. michigan state university 2.9

38. rutgers-new brunswick (nj) 2.9

39. university of california-san diego 2.9

40. university of virginia 2.9

41. new school for social research (ny) 2.8

42. suny-binghamton 2.8

43. brandeis university (ma) 2.7

44. emory university (ga) 2.7

45. university of california-riverside 2.7

46. university of southern california 2.7

47. boston university 2.6

48 florida state university 2.6

49 university of ge***ia 2.6

50university of illinois-chicago 2.6

51. boston college 2.5

52 north carolina state university 2.5

53 purdue university-west lafayette (in) 2.5

55 university of florida 2.5

56 university of kansas 2.5

57 university of nebraska-lincoln 2.5

58 university of notre dame (in) 2.5


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