
2022-05-19 19:03:13 字數 1149 閱讀 4922



1、the book was (on the desk) just now. (對括弧部分提問)

(where was) the book just now?

2、i want to go to the park. (改為同義句)

i'd (like to) go to the park.

3、there were some peaches on the tree just now? (該為一般疑問句,並作出回答)

——(were) there (any) peaches on the tree just now?

——(no), there (weren't).

4、that is an orange tree.(改為複數形式)

those (are) orange (trees).

5、the; moment; bag; was; a; here; ago(.) (連詞成句)

the bag was here a moment ago. (剛才那個包就在這裡。)


where was the book just now?

i'd like to go to the park.

——are there any peaches on the tree just now?

——yes, there are .

that is an orange thee.

those are orange trees .

the bag was here  a  moment ago.


1.where was 2 like to 3 were any yes were 4 are trees 5 the bag was here a moment ago


where is

like to

were      some

yes    were

are   trees

the bag was here a moment ago是按空格來的哦,希望有幫助哈


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