用英語表示下面句子。1 請拿個茶杯給我。2 哪?3 是這個嗎?4 不是,是那個白色的

2022-04-02 19:41:06 字數 992 閱讀 3686


please give me a cup.

which one?

is this one?

no,i want the white.

is this one?

yes,please take it to me.

here you are.


please give me a cup.

which one?

is this one?

no,it's the white one.

this one?

yes ,please give me .

here you are

第一時間給你解答 希望給分


1.please give me a tea cup2. which one?

3. this one?

4. no, the white one.

5. do you mean this one?

6. yes, please hand it to me.

7. here it is.


please take a teacup to mewhich one?

is this?

no, a white

this? yes, please give mehere you are


1. please hand me the cup.

2. which one?

3. this one?

4. no, the white one.

5. this one?

6. yes, please give it to me.

7. here you are


整句可以拆分來翻譯,其中三次元就是現實世界,翻譯為real world three dimension 二次元就是指虛擬世界,翻譯為virtual fantasy world two dimension。接下來,你的三次元翻譯為your real world three dimension 你的二次...


1 把這襲個正方形平均分成100份,塗色部分佔了其中的50份,用分數表示為50 100 1 2 用小數表示為0.5 2 把第二個正方形平均分成100份,塗色部分佔了其中的9,用分數表示為9 100,與第乙個正方形合起來用分數表示為19 100,用小數表示為1.09.故答案為 1 2 0.5,1.09...


採納的答案是錯誤的,正確的排序應該是3,1,4,5,2,6理由 這是杏樹生長順序的描述 1,杏樹是先開版花再長葉的,所權以第一句應該是杏花盛開時爭奇鬥艷,可幾天後,傳完粉就凋謝了。2,杏葉爬上樹梢才有可能一片片葉子在雨霧中歡笑著,所以第二,三,四句應該是 這時,碧綠的小杏坐滿枝頭,嫩綠的杏葉也開始爬...