請根據條件寫介紹自己的英語作文 (單詞30 50)

2021-06-30 06:27:51 字數 862 閱讀 7662


hello everyone my name is black . i a number one middle school student.i a lovely boy.

i 13 years old.i like playing basketball.and i also like playing football.

my id care is 370304901023031 .my phone number is 4289888. my email adress is jimblack@yahoo.

com. if you want to be my friends.you can write email to me .

that all. thank you.



hello everyone, my name 's black . now i am learning in a middle school ..i'm a lovely boy.

i'm 13 years old.i like playing basketball.and football.

my id card is 370304901023031 .my phone number is 4289888. my email adress is jimblack@yahoo.

com. if you want to be my friends.you can send an email to me .

i am looking forword to hearing from you . thank you.


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