
2021-05-01 23:38:17 字數 734 閱讀 4119






she is a little tired today.

how are you feeling now?

we make a snowman in winter.

i can't go out to play today.

does spring begin from march?

my mother's birthday is in june.

winter is from december to february.

i hear the boy crying.

all kinds of flowers come out in spring.

my home is warm and nice.

linda loves the village very much.

he plants many flowers and potatoes on the farm.

what do you do in winter?

it is warm in spring.

my school is far away.

when is new year's day?


4 設這本書一共有m頁,則第一天看了0.2m 3頁,還剩下0.8m 3頁 第二天看了0.4 0.8m 3 5 0.32m 6.2頁,還剩0.48m 3.2頁 第三天看了0.75 0.48m 3.2 8 0.36m 10.4頁,還剩0.12m 7.2頁。則 0.12m 7.2 21,解得 m 235頁...


八字命理分析 出生年月日時 陽曆 1989年 3月 23日 辰時 7點 9點 星座 白羊座 農曆 大林木 蛇 1989年 2月 16日 辰時 7點 9點 八字 己巳 丁卯 壬午 甲辰 陰陰 陰陰 陽陽 陽陽 土火 火木 水火 木土 此命五行火旺缺金 日主天乾為水 壬 癸 生於春季 必須有土相助,若有...


題目有問題,初速度為零的勻速直線運動是不存在的,如果題目是這樣的話,1 速度之比應該為1 1 1,因為是勻速,所以速度都相等。2 初速度為零,勻胡返速直線運動,位移比也為1 1 1,可能是都靜止不動,如果是祥豎動的,勻速,每秒走過的位移也一樣。3,算了不說了,褲宴飢題目不對。沒猜錯的話應該是初速度為...