
2021-03-04 07:56:45 字數 934 閱讀 8150



sometimes at night when i turn off the light

i see before me a silver shining night

he's my king, and i'm his loving queen

every night i see him in my dream

when the cold window, seem the night time he shows

giving me all the love that i've been dreaming out

/* abracadabra, the only thing to say

abracadabra, to make it go away

abracadabra, it's what you say at night

if the monster in the closet, he's giving you afraid

*/ sometimes at night when i turn off the light

i see before me a storm and fussy night

he's my bee, and i'm his loving flower

and together we bond for the power

when the cold window, seem the night time he shows

giving me all the love that i've been dreaming out

repeat *




repeat *


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