
2022-08-02 13:25:04 字數 1102 閱讀 5870




english classes, i was using a mobile phone and send text messages, all of a sudden the teacher was found! teacher told me to put away the phone right away! after-school teacher to apologize to ensure that no longer use.

too many teachers not to blame, but said that the school is not using a mobile phone, i would like to be able to keep their promises


english classes, i was using a mobile phone and send text messages, all of a sudden the teacher was found! the teacher asked me to put away the phone right away! after-school teacher to apologize to ensure that no longer use.

too many teachers not to blame, but said that the school is not using a mobile phone, i would like to be able to keep their promises.


was unfair to me to be wrong.my lower reaches, i am bored, i inborn bored, asks you to give me again an opportunity;asked you;i later again do not dare.



您好!鉛筆和鋼筆在桌子上。pencil and pen are on the table.鉛筆和橡皮在書架上。pencil and earser are on the bookcase.the pencils and the pens are on the desk.the pencils and ...


1 strong will is one of his qualities.2 a new plan was put forward at the meeting.3 we concluded that the star wouldn t come.4 yaoming is good at play...


since we are doomed to meet each other,whoever is the first to come and wait for the other is ok.only because you came to the world earlier than i,i k...