
2021-04-29 09:33:38 字數 772 閱讀 5149


interesting childhood

one day, my mom and dad to play in the square, i saw a little boy playing bigger than my bicycle, i called mom and dad bought me a bike. on the second day, i went to the square to ride a bicycle. i will ride it.

求2篇初三英語作文 我急啊~~(如果好就加分,要求原創,不許在網上抄的)。。。。


learn english confusion

i am like english very much, but progress is slow, especially oral english .

i know should speak more english, but dare not speak english in class, and in group activities, i disdain to speak english, because i think it is a fictional, most people dare not in english speaking countries before speech, because they are afraid of ridiculed. actually i also.


人生如夢,歲月如歌。就這樣,三 年的時光已即將過去。驀然回首逝去的 日子,校園裡所留下的歡聲笑語,就宛 如夢境一般,而我卻在徘徊.朦朧中,有了失落,有了傷感,面 對著分別,再次陷入了迷惘。三年了,在學校生活了三年了,多麼耀眼的數字 啊!和我鬥嘴的他,努力的她.你們知 道時間一到我們就要分開了嗎?是的...


r 51 25 2 5 2 5 2 2 25 2 252 5 5 25 4 3 100 2 25 2 25 4 陰影部分面積 1 2 3 25 2 25 4 25 4 25 25 100 2 25 2 75 2 或者圖形總面積 半圓 梯形 25 2 10 15 5 2 25 2 125 2 陰影部分...


good morning,ladies and gengtlemen my name is it is my honor to e here and givve you a talk show.下面就是內容了 怎麼寫英語三分鐘脫口秀,以my 為題目 那就寫 我的夢想 好了 既然是脫口秀 那還是盡量幽...