
2021-03-26 00:26:21 字數 683 閱讀 7158


1 to 2 when will she go to work in bejing? 3 how beautiful she speak english! 4 does he always late for work at weekdays?

5 which pencil is longer? 6 does he study hard?

7 how far is tianjin tv and radio tower from our school?

8 how many students are there in his class?

9 a ***** hat which is given to me is him.

10 where do sandy and sue stand? 11 what the boy drink ?

12what's in the box? 13dislike( 不喜歡) 14 pile(a pile of意為大量,一堆)


14、i want to buy a p( iece )of sweets

12 what is there in the box?

11 what is the boy doing?


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