
2021-03-04 08:56:15 字數 1846 閱讀 1351








這樣的歌曲多的去了 怎麼找

有一首英文歌 是女聲 節奏很慢,求歌名,歌詞見補充。


"old money"lana del rey

blue hydrangea, cold cash, divine,

cashmere, cologne and white sunshine.

red racing cars, sunset in vine,

the kids were young and pretty.

where have you been? where did you go?

those summer nights seem long ago,

and so is the girl you used to call,

the queen of new york city.

but if you send for me you know i'll ***e,

and if you call for me you know i'll run.

i'll run to you, i'll run to you, i'll run, run, run.

i'll ***e to you, i'll ***e to you, i'll ***e, ***e, ***e.

the power of youth is on my mind,

sunsets, **all town, i'm out of time.

will you still love me when i shine,

from words but not from beauty?

my father's love was always strong,

my mother's glamor lives on and on,

yet still inside i felt alone,

for reasons unknown to me.

but if you send for me you know i'll ***e,

and if you call for me you know i'll run.

i'll run to you, i'll run to you, i'll run, run, run.

i'll ***e to you, i'll ***e to you, i'll ***e, ***e, ***e.

and if you call i'll run, run, run,

if you change your mind i'll ***e, ***e, ***e.

blue hydrangea, cold cash, divine,

cashmere, cologne and hot sunshine.

red racing cars, sunset in vine,

and we were young and pretty.



vicki yohe

i ll run to you



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